Holiday-Proof Travel Collection
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Nourish and protect hair from sun, sea & chlorine <div class="magezon-builder magezon-builder-preload"><div class="isj5nax mgz-element mgz-element-row full_width_row mgz-row-equal-height content-middle"><div class="mgz-element-inner isj5nax-s"><div data-background-type="image" data-parallax-image-background-position="center bottom" class="mgz-parallax isj5nax-p"><div class="mgz-parallax-inner"></div></div><div class="inner-content mgz-container"><div class="f8fyt82 mgz-element mgz-element-column mgz-col-xl-25 mgz-col-md-6"><div class="mgz-element-inner f8fyt82-s"><div class="e49bv9x mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-heading"><div class="mgz-element-inner e49bv9x-s"><h6 class="mgz-element-heading-text" > HOLIDAY-PROOF HAIR ESSENTIALS </h6><style class="mgz-style">.mgz-element.e49bv9x .mgz-element-heading-text{color:#000000;}</style></div></div><div class="fahhxx1 mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-heading"><div class="mgz-element-inner fahhxx1-s"><h3 class="mgz-element-heading-text" > Protect Hair From Sun, Sea & Chlorine </h3><style class="mgz-style">.fahhxx1-s{margin-bottom:25px !important;}.mgz-element.fahhxx1 .mgz-element-heading-text{color:#ffffff;}</style></div></div><div class="vaa3cuo mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-text"><div class="mgz-element-inner vaa3cuo-s"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Nourish & protect your hair against salt water, chlorine, UV rays with our 4-piece hair care collection perfect for your next holiday.</span></p></div></div><div class="t74clch mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-icon_list"><div class="mgz-element-inner t74clch-s"><div class="mgz-icon-list mgz-icon-list-vertical"><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">SHIELDS hair against chlorine and salt water damage</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">PROTECTS hair while sunbathing and swimming</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Prevents colour fade and blondes turning brassy/green</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Banishes tangles, frizz & straw-like ends</span> </div></div><style class="mgz-style">.t74clch-s{margin-bottom:30px !important;}.mgz-element.t74clch .mgz-icon-list-item{margin-bottom:5px;}.mgz-element.t74clch .mgz-icon-list-item-icon{color:#ffffff;}.mgz-element.t74clch .mgz-icon-list-item-text{color:#ffffff;}</style></div></div><div id="PDP-Full-Product-Description" class="lm0v69j mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-button white"><div class="mgz-element-inner lm0v69j-s PDP-Full-Product-Description"><div class="mgz-button mgz-btn-style-flat mgz-btn-size-md"><a href="" class="mgz-link mgz-btn" title="" ><i class="fas mgz-fa-plus-circle"></i> Full Product description </a></div><style class="mgz-style">.lm0v69j-s{padding-right:0px !important;padding-left:0px !important;}.mgz-element.lm0v69j .mgz-link{border-radius:0px;color:#ffffff;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);}.mgz-element.lm0v69j .mgz-link{border-radius:0px;color:#ffffff;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);}.mgz-element.lm0v69j .mgz-link{padding: 0;}</style></div></div><script>
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var content = '<div class=\"mgz-button-modal-inner\"><div class=\"mgz-button-modal-header\"><h3 class=\"mgz-button-modal-title\" >Full Product description</h3></div><div class=\"mgz-button-modal-content\"><p>Want your hair to look better when you return from holiday than before you left? Meet our Holiday-Proof Hair Care Travel Collection. This curated quartet of vacation must-haves offers the ultimate care and protection for stressed out strands. Shielding hair against the moisture-zapping perils of an escape — and suitable for all hair textures — it’s the ultimate suitcase staple! </p><p>The star of this collection is water-resistant, chlorine battling, UV absorbing Swimcap Water Resistant Mask. Packed with a cocktail of deeply conditioning ingredients, including Hydrolyzed Elastin, Castor and Olive Oils, Swimcap creates a protective shield over hair, guarding it against the drying, damaging effects of chlorine, salt water and sun. Locking out salt water and absorbing UV rays, the unique formula protects colour from fading and prevents blondes from turning brassy or green, making it both a summer favourite and everyday saviour for swimmers. </p><p>Better yet, when you wash it out at the end of the day, hair will be left silky soft and evening ready. Protected by day and swish-worthy by night! </p><p>Also in the kit is pre-shampoo mask Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment. Working hard to replenish lost moisture in thirsty hair, it boosts elasticity and therefore strength in dry strands, preventing breakage and snapping. </p><p>Two further must-haves complete the line-up: pre-styling, detangling dynamo Daily Damage Defence Leave-In Conditioner to detangle, protect and condition hair ahead of styling, and Finishing Touch Frizz Fighting Gloss for instant shine, frizz control and a nourished, frizz-free finish with no flyaways.</p><p><strong><span class=\"TextRun SCXW221123505 BCX0\" lang=\"EN-GB\" xml:lang=\"EN-GB\" data-contrast=\"none\">Kit Includes:</span></strong></p><ul><li><p>Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment, 40ml </p></li><li><p>Swimcap Water Resistant Mask 75ml</p></li><li><p>Daily Damage Defence Leave-In Conditioner, 60ml</p></li><li><p>Finishing TouchFrizz Fighting Gloss, 20ml</p></li></ul></div></div>';
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product_size:75ml (Price per ml: £0.25)
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75ml (Price per ml: £0.25)
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Travel Collection
Nourish and protect hair from sun, sea & chlorine
Protect Hair From Sun, Sea & Chlorine Nourish & protect your hair against salt water, chlorine, UV rays with our 4-piece hair care collection perfect for your next holiday.
SHIELDS hair against chlorine and salt water damage
PROTECTS hair while sunbathing and swimming
Prevents colour fade and blondes turning brassy/green
Banishes tangles, frizz & straw-like ends
4 Steps To Holiday-Proof Hair For Swimmers, Sunbathers & Summer Lovers
Shield your hair while on holiday with water-resistant, chlorine battling, UV protecting treatment Swimcap.
Your At-Home Salon Quality Hair Treatment
Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment is a super-conditioning treatment that transform dry hair into soft, bouncy tresses.
Protects Your Hair From Damage
This pre-styling, detangling dynamo eases knots while reducing breakage, taming frizz and boosting shine.
Smoothes Frizz and Adds Shine
Finishing Touch Frizz Fighting Gloss is the ultimate solution for all hair types seeking instant shine, smoothness and frizz taming.
Hydrolyzed Elastin, Castor Oil & Olive Oil Hydrolyzed Elastin adds strength, body and elasticity to reduce breakage. There is Castor Oil to help lock in moisture; and Olive Oil, which is high in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, and helps lock in moisture and boost shine.
100% Recyclable
CO2 Negative
Planet-friendly Packaging
to reduce breakage after one use^
reported their hair felt PROTECTED & HYDRATED during use of Swimcap*
reported hair was NOT DRIED OUT by sun or water after use of Swimcap*
Use these four intensely hydrating protection products together for incredible results.
Love Swimcap it protects your hair from the chlorine, sun and sea and at the end of the day when you wash your hair it feels like you have had a treatment on all day. Can’t recommend it enough. I never go on holiday without it!
Frequently Asked Questions
We answer some common queries about Holiday-Proof Hair Care Travel Collection.
If you have more questions you can submit a question below or visit our Help Centre to speak with our Customer Care Team.
Daily Use: To provide maximum protection for your hair, apply Swimcap before a day in the sun. Apply liberally to wet hair and leave on while you swim or sunbathe. Shampoo off at the end of the day before heading out and tresses will be left soft, silky and evening ready!
Towel dry hair then spritz Daily Damage Defence liberally throughout mid-lengths and ends to condition, detangle and protect. Shake well before use. Comb through and style as desired, then finish with Finishing Touch Polishing Serum to smooth, tame frizz and fight flyaways.
Weekly Use: Elasticizer can be used once or twice weekly. Apply pre-wash treatment Elasticizer to wet hair before you shampoo. Leave on for 10-20 minutes or overnight for an extra intense moisture boost.
To provide a protective, nourishing routine for hair on holiday , when strands are at higher risk of being exposed to threats like salt water, chlorine and UV rays (more often and in greater measure!) all of which can severely impact t he integrity of your hair . Using all four products as a routine during your escape will safeguard the health of strands and leave hair protected, healthy and soft. Th e four heroes within this collection are also complimentary products containing many of the same powerhouse ingredients (including Hydrolyzed Elastin, heralded for its ability to add strength, body and elasticity to reduce breakage ) therefore boosting the benefits of one another.
You can! This miracle hair mask can be left in for 10-20 minutes or kept on overnight for maximum results. If you are someone who prefers to shampoo in the morning, then you might find it is more convenient to apply Elasticizer before bed. Simply apply the deep conditioning treatment and wrap your hair in a microfibre turban overnight to keep it nice and secure. Then rinse well, shampoo and condition as normal the next day. Frequent use will lead to healthier looking hair with less breakage, allowing you to achieve salon-level results from one at home hair treatment.
Reviews & Questions What our customers say...