Water Resistant Mask Type /Shop all Haircare Products/Product Type /Treatments/Product Type /Hair Masks/Product Type /New In/Concern/Dry or Damaged Hair/Product Type /Summer Hair Care/Best-Sellers/Product Type /Black Friday/Black Friday Treatments/Product Type /Black Friday/Shop all Black Friday/Best-Sellers/Elasticizer1921952152001532585622222057121915420856Summer Solutions Swimcap, protects hair from chlorine, salt water and UV rays <div class="magezon-builder magezon-builder-preload"><div class="ctpiloc mgz-element mgz-element-row full_width_row mgz-row-equal-height content-bottom"><div class="mgz-element-inner ctpiloc-s"><div data-background-type="image" data-parallax-image-background-position="center bottom" class="mgz-parallax ctpiloc-p"><div class="mgz-parallax-inner"></div></div><div class="inner-content mgz-container"><div class="knsh4m6 mgz-element mgz-element-column mgz-col-xl-25 mgz-col-md-6"><div class="mgz-element-inner knsh4m6-s"><div class="qgqs0kx mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-heading"><div class="mgz-element-inner qgqs0kx-s"><h6 class="mgz-element-heading-text" > For swimmers and sun-lovers </h6><style class="mgz-style">.mgz-element.qgqs0kx .mgz-element-heading-text{color:#ffffff;}</style></div></div><div class="gagg3oc mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-heading"><div class="mgz-element-inner gagg3oc-s"><h3 class="mgz-element-heading-text" > Protects hair from chlorine, sea-water and UV rays </h3><style class="mgz-style">.gagg3oc-s{margin-bottom:25px !important;}.mgz-element.gagg3oc .mgz-element-heading-text{color:#ffffff;}</style></div></div><div class="rdtwv0p mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-text"><div class="mgz-element-inner rdtwv0p-s"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Protect your hair when sunbathing and swimming with our Water Resistant Mask. Originally developed by Philip Kingsley at the request of the first US Olympic Synchronized Swimming Team, our Swimcap is a water-resistant hair mask designed to be worn whilst sunbathing or swimming. It protects hair from the drying and damaging effects of chlorine, salt water and UV rays.</span></p></div></div><div class="s4xetw5 mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-icon_list"><div class="mgz-element-inner s4xetw5-s"><div class="mgz-icon-list mgz-icon-list-vertical"><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Offers UV, sun, sea and chlorine protection</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Prevents bleached hair turning green</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Hydrating formula improves bounce and shine</span> </div><div class="mgz-icon-list-item"><i class="mgz-icon-list-item-icon fas mgz-fa-check"></i> <span class="mgz-icon-list-item-text">Water-resistant, nourishing formula for maximum swimming hair protection</span> </div></div><style class="mgz-style">.s4xetw5-s{margin-bottom:30px !important;}.mgz-element.s4xetw5 .mgz-icon-list-item{margin-bottom:5px;}.mgz-element.s4xetw5 .mgz-icon-list-item-icon{color:#ffffff;}.mgz-element.s4xetw5 .mgz-icon-list-item-text{color:#ffffff;}</style></div></div><div id="PDP-Full-Product-Description" class="bju6yht mgz-element mgz-child mgz-element-button white"><div class="mgz-element-inner bju6yht-s PDP-Full-Product-Description"><div class="mgz-button mgz-btn-style-flat mgz-btn-size-md"><a href="" class="mgz-link mgz-btn" title="" ><i class="fas mgz-fa-plus-circle"></i> Full Product description </a></div><style class="mgz-style">.bju6yht-s{padding-right:0px !important;padding-left:0px !important;}.mgz-element.bju6yht .mgz-link{border-radius:0px;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);}.mgz-element.bju6yht .mgz-link{border-radius:0px;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);}.mgz-element.bju6yht .mgz-link{padding: 0;}</style></div></div><script>
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var content = '<div class=\"mgz-button-modal-inner\"><div class=\"mgz-button-modal-header\"><h3 class=\"mgz-button-modal-title\" >Swimcap Chlorine Hair Protection Water Resistant Mask</h3></div><div class=\"mgz-button-modal-content\"><p><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Originally developed by Philip Kingsley at the request of the first US Olympic Synchronised Swimming Team, today Swimcap is both a summer saviour and must-have for swimmers all year round. Perfect for blondes, this conditioning treatment protects against the drying and damaging effects of both chlorinated and salt water, plus contains UV absorbers to extend the life of colour-treated hair. What’s more, it will create a protective layer on the hair which shields it from the discolouring effects of chlorine, preventing hair turning green!</span></p><h4><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><strong>Who is it for?</strong></span></h4><ul><li><span style=\"font-size: 14px; color: #000000;\">Swimmers in sea-water and chlorinated water - whether you go for a dip on holiday or tackle 50 laps of the pool every day, Swimcap has you (and your hair) covered with the highest chlorine protection</span></li><li><span style=\"font-size: 14px; color: #000000;\">Sunbathers and holiday-goers - if you\'re spending a lot of time in the sun, Swimcap will protect your hair from UV rays</span></li></ul><h4><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><strong>How do I use it?</strong></span></h4><p>Apply in sections to damp hair and comb through. For best results, apply before a day in the sun. Leave the treatment on your hair to guard against the effects of sun and water damage while swimming or sunbathing. </p><h4><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><strong>How does it work?</strong></span></h4><p>The Sulphate and Paraben-Free formula contains Hydrolyzed Elastin which adds strength, body and elasticity to reduce breakage. There is Castor Oil to help lock in moisture; and Olive Oil, which is high in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, and helps lock in moisture and boost shine. This pre-swim hair mask is one of the UK\'s favourite chlorine protection products, with customers loving its formula and the protection it provides when swimming and sunbathing, even at high temperatures.</p><p> </p></div></div>';
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Protects hair from chlorine, sea-water and UV rays
Protect your hair when sunbathing and swimming with our Water Resistant Mask. Originally developed by Philip Kingsley at the request of the first US Olympic Synchronized Swimming Team, our Swimcap is a water-resistant hair mask designed to be worn whilst sunbathing or swimming. It protects hair from the drying and damaging effects of chlorine, salt water and UV rays.
Offers UV, sun, sea and chlorine protection
Prevents bleached hair turning green
Hydrating formula improves bounce and shine
Water-resistant, nourishing formula for maximum swimming hair protection
"This product was amazing on holiday. My hair and head were protected from Sun and sea all day. In the evening after washing, my hair was soft and in great condition. I wish I had more reasons to use it at home."
— Daisy
"Love Philip Kingsley products, especially Swimcap it protects your hair from the chlorine, sun and sea and at the end of the day when you wash your hair it feels like you have had a treatment on all day. Can't recommend it enough. I never go on holiday without it."
— Harriet
"Brilliant! Protected my highlighted hair from the chlorine in the pool. Not a crunchy strand in sight."
— Lucy
Step by Step Guide
How to Apply
Apply in sections to damp hair and comb through.
Leave the treatment on your hair to guard against sun and water damage, while sunbathing and swimming.
To remove, rinse well then double-shampoo using the appropriate Philip Kingsley Shampoo, for your hair texture.
Key Ingredients.
Hydrolyzed Elastin, Castor Oil & Olive Oil
Hydrolyzed Elastin adds strength, body and elasticity to reduce breakage. There is Castor Oil to help lock in moisture; and Olive Oil, which is high in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, and helps lock in moisture and boost shine.
Protect, hydrate & smooth hair from holiday humidity
Our summer travel hair care kit has everything you need to shield and style your hair from sun, sea and heat.
Featuring Swimcap Water Resistant Mask, this kit also contains Elasticizer Deep-Conditioning Treatment, Daily Damage Defence and Finishing Touch Frizz Fighting Gloss. With this combination of our summer hair heroes, you're hair might just look better when you return from holiday than when you left!